Events: April 11, 2020

Apr 10 Apr 12


Sat, Apr 11, 2020

This is a past event.

During these difficult times we all need to hear positive messages. Show some love and offer kindness to our MHC community by creating a kindness rock, painting a window, chalking the sidewalk etc....

Virtual Event

A Healthy Me Challenge!

Sat, Apr 11, 2020

This is a past event.

A 6-week Spring activity challenge for faculty and staff. Enrollment begins March 30. Challenge begins April 6. Learn more about the program and find instructions for enrollment.

Virtual Event

Holy Saturday (W)

Sat, Apr 11, 2020

This is a past event.

The final day of Lent, of Holy Week and the Sacred Triduum Ñ Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. It is a day of vigil in preparation for Easter. The day culminates with the Easter Vigil...

Lazarus Saturday (E)

Sat, Apr 11, 2020

This is a past event.

(Eastern Calendar) Commemorates the raising of Lazarus from the dead by Jesus (John 11:1-45). It is a day of both death and life, marking the final great miracle of Christ before His resurrection.

Redefining #MoHome

Sat, Apr 11, 2020

This is a past event.

How are you experiencing #MoHome this semester? We're gathering voices and stories to give a full view of our shared and unique experiences. See the prompts here.

Virtual Event

Canceled: *CANCELED* Pioneer Valley Mini Maker Faire

Sat, Apr 11, 2020 11am to 5pm

This is a past event.

In accordance with Mount Holyoke's current response plan for COVID-19, this event has been canceled. Join us at this year’s Pioneer Valley Mini Maker Faire at Mount Holyoke College! We celebrate...

Willits-Hallowell Center, Morrison/ Andreola Rooms

Canceled: Sightlines Tour: Living Memory: Art as a Search for the Past

Sat, Apr 11, 2020 1:30pm to 2:15pm

This is a past event.

Memory comes in many forms. It is woven into our identities, our histories, our religions, and our personal lives. Join Phoebe Pugh ’22 for a Sightlines Tour of the Art Museum exploring art from...

Mount Holyoke College Art Museum