Events: May 28, 2022

May 27 May 29

Class of 2007 Private Tour of Botanic Gardens

Sat, May 28, 2022 3pm to 4pm

This is a past event.

The Talcott Greenhouse team invites the 15th reunion class of 2007 to join them for a private tour.

Talcott Greenhouse

Class of 2020 Class Meeting

Sat, May 28, 2022 3pm to 4pm

This is a past event.

Join classmates for your class meeting to hear about how the class is doing and vote on your new slate of officers.

Headquarters Dorm

Class of 1962 Art Museum tour

Sat, May 28, 2022 4:15pm to 5pm

This is a past event.

Join us for a tour led by Aaron Miller, Associate Curator of Visual and Material Culture.

Mount Holyoke College Art Museum, Hinchcliff Hall

First Generation and Low Income Cording Ceremony

Sat, May 28, 2022 4:30pm to 6pm

This is a past event.

An event is to celebrate FGLI graduates from the class of 2020. Participants will receive their official FGLI cord, take pictures in-front of a special back-drop with their cord, while being...

Art Building, Gamble Auditorium


Class of 1977 Class Meeting

Sat, May 28, 2022 5pm to 5:45pm

This is a past event.

Join classmates for your class meeting to hear about how the class is doing and vote on your new slate of officers.

Dining Commons, Patio

Class of 1992 Class Meeting

Sat, May 28, 2022 5pm to 6pm

This is a past event.

Join classmates for your class meeting to hear about how the class is doing and vote on your new slate of officers.

Headquarters Dorm

Class of 2007 Class Meeting

Sat, May 28, 2022 5pm to 6pm

This is a past event.

Join classmates for your class meeting to hear about how the class is doing and vote on your new slate of officers.

Headquarters Dorm

Class of 2007 Small Business Speed Dating

Sat, May 28, 2022 5pm to 6:45pm

This is a past event.

Alums will share information about their businesses, nonprofits and projects in a speed dating format.

Headquarters Dorm