Panel 17: From Insights to Impacts: Problem-Solving in Investment Banking and Consulting
Problem-solving skills are crucial to thriving in any field, particularly pivotal to business-related industries like Investment Banking and Consulting. In this panel, we will leverage our hands-on experience in those respective fields to give you a snapshot of how to approach a complex problem and deliver impactful solutions. Jacqueline was a Consulting Intern at Capgemini. She worked on a case study project developing an AI chatbot for a delivery company as their competitive response. As an Associate Consultant Intern at Bain & Company, Ivy applied critical thinking and analytical skills to solve a digital transformation challenge for a Thai bank. As an Investment Banking Intern, Angel automated loan tracking & bond analysis and solved problems using data-driven insights on economic trends and 2023 Banking Crisis. Danielle studied portfolio construction optimization with stocks and commodity futures. During the study, Danielle overcame many challenges in data gathering and modeling with creative solutions.
Moderator: Whitney Kuhnlenz, Career Development Center
Breaking into Wall Street
Angel Li ’25, Economics & Sociology major
Problem-solving in financial research
Danielle Vo ’26, Economics major, Computer Science minor
Data and Consulting
Jacqueline Anokyewaah ’25, Data Science & Economics major
Problem-solve like a Consultant with Answer-first Principle
Ivy Lam Tran ’25, Economics major, Global Business minor
Speaker name: Ivy Lam Tran
Title: Problem-solve like a Consultant with Answer-first Principle
Working as an Associate Consultant Intern at Bain & Company last summer, Ivy applied critical thinking and analytical skills to solve a digital transformation challenge for a Thai bank. During her internship, she learned how to utilize the answer-first principle - an essential method in both case interviews and real-life daily work in consulting. Answer-first means kicking off the problem-solving process with a hypothesis-backed answer right at the start and then building a framework to test the hypotheses. This method allows consultants to be 80/20, prioritize key issues, and think critically while communicating their thoughts structurally under pressure & time constraints. Furthermore, this method helps avoid yield loss where consultants can seek guidance early and validate assumptions. Since being able to solve a problem efficiently and communicate it clearly is such a pivotal skill set in any field, particularly in consulting, Ivy hopes this sharing can add value to the audiences.
Speaker name: Angel Li
Title: Breaking into Wall Street
This presentation will share my transformative experience as a summer intern in investment banking, where I navigated the fast-paced world of finance and tackled real-world challenges. Throughout the internship, I developed critical skills in financial analysis, worked on complex projects such as financial modeling, and contributed to economic research on the 2023 banking crisis. By taking the initiative to improve existing workflows and balancing multiple tasks, I gained a deeper understanding of the industry’s demands and the value of problem solving. Additionally, I will reflect on key takeaways, including the importance of collaboration, proactive problem-solving, and adapting to new information. This experience has not only broadened my technical skills but also shaped my professional approach and future career goals.
Speaker name: Danielle Vo
Title: Problem-solving in financial research
Minerals play a vital role in the energy transition, yet their financial impact on equity portfolios remains largely unmodeled. Danielle utilized the Black-Litterman model and concepts from efficient frontier theory to optimize stock and metals futures allocation for maximum returns. Throughout this process, she encountered several challenges, including data collection, mastering relevant literature, and developing quantitative modeling skills. Her work not only sheds light on the potential benefits of including minerals in investment strategies but also contributes to a deeper understanding of their role in sustainable finance.
Speaker name: Jacqueline Anokyewaah
Title: Data and Consulting
“During the summer, Jacqueline worked as a consulting intern which involved working on a case study project to develop an AI chatbot solution for a delivery company and working with a Cloud and Customer Applications business unit. This experience allowed her to tackle business problems, while focusing on creating impactful, scalable solutions.”