Friday, October 25, 2024 2:15pm to 3pm
About this Event
How can we put the care back in healthcare? From data collection and intervention design to the validation of predictive models and the co-creation of healthcare policies, this panel will explore this question through an interdisciplinary lens. Moving sequentially through the research process, we start with Makalya Howe, reflecting on the process of screening participants through outreach and data collection. Then, with Adiba Mobarak, we see further into the process of people-based research where she tailored interventions for global and local communities. We then see Aoife Weischedel’s work, who was involved in informatics as they validated a healthcare predictive machine learning model. Lastly, we learn about Karis Knoll’s work in New Zealand co-creating a policy improvement report within Restorative Practice in healthcare. Our experiences outline the spectrum of processes used to design studies in healthcare research. We transformed classroom learning into practical actions that expand our futures alongside the future of healthcare.
Moderator: Moderator: Katie Lipp, Director of Health Professions Advising
Beyond ‘One-Size-Fits-All’: Tailoring Psychological Interventions
Adiba Mobarak ’26, Psychology major & Statistics minor
Machine Learning in Medicine: Local Validation of Predictive Pediatric Sepsis Model Performance
Aoife Weischedel ’26, Biological Sciences major & Computer Science minor
“We Deserve It To Be Different”; Co-Creating Disability Centric Health Care Policy
Karis Knoll ’25, Psychology and Education Studies and Critical Social Thought double major & Educational Policy and Practice Nexus
Clinical Research Recruiting
Makalya Howe ’25, Biological Sciences major & Psychology minor
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