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We discovered the intersection between technology and marketing despite the seeming disparity between these two fields. Our work impacted millions of end users and customers through the various products and services each of us worked on. Although it was difficult to work remotely or hybrid, we could critically interpret the given situations and apply our problem-solving skills to every aspect of our work, thanks to our liberal arts background. We worked on academically and professionally challenging projects that involved critical, computational, and mathematical skills. Join us to see how technology and marketing overlap and produce business values for the end users.

Panel Moderator: TBA

  • Nayeon Shin '24, Computer Science
  • Cindy Shi '23, Economics; minor in Statistics
  • Callie He '23, Computer Science
  • Emmanuella Umoye'25, Computer Science and Psychology

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  • Sharon Kang
  • Afeya Jahin

2 people are interested in this event

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