Wednesday, September 30, 2020 11:30am to 12:30pm
About this Event
Accounting has evolved far beyond spreadsheets and number crunching. Today’s accountants learn to drive business decisions based on gathering and analyzing data from disparate sources. Employers at top accounting firms are looking for leaders with diverse experiences and points of view in addition to a suite of business and digital skills – a great fit for liberal arts majors – and a solid foundation for a career in business.
Join MHC alums,
• Kritika Pradhan MHC ’18 – Audit & Assurance Senior, Deloitte
• Helen Minett MHC ’16 – Tax Senior, Deloitte
• Caroline Waweru MHC ’10 – Tax Manager, Stone & Company
all of whom are currently working in the public accounting industry. Hear about their professional experiences and ask questions about your plans for the future. Additionally, we’ll share information about the MSA/MBA at Northeastern University, the graduate program these and many other MHC grads have attended to launch their business careers.
Meeting ID: 963 7307 0315
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