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For members of the Mount Holyoke Club of Boston

The last Flower Arranging Class was such a hit that Janet Bulhmann ‘89 is coordinating another one to kick off the new year. Brighten up winter with flowers!
When: January 26, 2024, 1 to 2:30 p.m.

Where: Cass Flowers & School of Floral Design, 531 Mt. Auburn St, Watertown MA

Price: $85 is due to Janet by Jan 21 (so supplies can be ordered) for payment questions please email Janet here for questions or refer to your email inviation.

Note: No refunds, but if you cannot attend, you can pick up the supplies from Cass. If you aren’t in a place to afford the cost, there are two scholarships available.

Please refer to your email invite for details for payment, location and registration or email

This event is being held in Eastern Time Standard .  To check the event time in your timezone, a conversion tool is available by clicking here.

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