About this Event
For members of the Mount Holyoke Club of Boston
The last Flower Arranging Class was such a hit that Janet Bulhmann ‘89 is coordinating another one to kick off the new year. Brighten up winter with flowers!
When: January 26, 2024, 1 to 2:30 p.m.
Where: Cass Flowers & School of Floral Design, 531 Mt. Auburn St, Watertown MA
Price: $85 is due to Janet by Jan 21 (so supplies can be ordered) for payment questions please email Janet here for questions or refer to your email inviation.
Note: No refunds, but if you cannot attend, you can pick up the supplies from Cass. If you aren’t in a place to afford the cost, there are two scholarships available.
Please refer to your email invite for details for payment, location and registration or email programs_team-g@mtholyoke.edu.
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