Monday, January 8, 2024 6pm
About this Event
For members of the Mount Holyoke Club of Colorado
Join fellow MHCers to welcome to Denver, Dr. Suparna Roychoudhury, Associate Provost and Associate Dean of Faculty, Associate Professor of English.
Professor Roychoudhury will be in Denver for the 50th College for a Day Event on January 8 and we are hosting a potluck for her to meet MHC alums. Come hear what’s happening on campus and connect with Uncommon Women!
Read her profile here and you will see we are in for a real treat. You are welcome even if you are not able to bring anything but if you can please follow these suggestions:
If your last name begins with:
A-G Bring an appetizer or salad
H-M Bring a main dish
N-S Bring a dessert
T-Z Bring beverages
Please refer to your email invite for details on location and registration or email
This event is being held in Mountain Standard Time. To check the event time in your timezone, a conversion tool is available by clicking here.